How to keep tansy from the parasites

The worm infection is considered a common condition. For the control of harmful organisms is the use of effective medicinal products, and medicinal plants. One of the most popular folk remedies tansy is the of the parasites. How to take what is useful, and should not use the plant cover in this article.


Inflorescence, the so-called wild Rowan have unique properties to help get rid of the Giardia, pinworms and ascarids. This plant is used in many countries as an official anthelmintic natural drug. In combination, on the basis of a specific scheme, taking into account the duration of the treatment, and how to cook strictly by the recipe. The grass is not considered to be completely safe, so before taking consult with your doctor or health professional.

The useful properties of the

Tansy has had a negative effect on the parasites, which, owing to their special composition. It contains mono-Turpin, which can lead to paralysis of the muscles of the malicious worms. These ingredients in small doses can be safe for the people, and the whole is allowed to add in food products to give them a sour taste. The presence of the bitterness it creates favourable conditions for living and reproduction of the helminths in the digestive tract.

Tansy is composed of beneficial ingredients:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tanning substances;
  • polysaccharides;
  • an essential oil;
  • alkaloids;
  • the organic compounds.

In addition, the herb promotes the elimination of accumulated toxins in the process of vital activity of parasites. In addition, it improves your heart and blood vessels, rapid restores and nourishes damaged tissue. The result of the speed up the healing process of the patient, and improve your overall health.

The characteristics of the impact of the

Tansy is included in the list of plants that have a bitter taste. In practice, it has been proven that this material is a good antagonist, the malicious worms that are parasitic in the digestive system.

The worms live in and thrive in an environment enriched with a huge amount of sugar. The presence of bitterness in an environment that can have an impact on their growth and development.

Effect of tansy to worm infestations

Effect of tansy in helminth infection does not end there. In addition to toxic effects, which can help you to resolve the still-living parasites from the body. The plant gradually builds up in the colon's walls. And, at the time of conclusion of the worms leave the human body together with feces.

A safe reception of the wild Rowan

Prior to the resort, so this is a way to get rid of the alien threat, you have to, you have to learn the rules of receiving this plant. For pest control it uses the flowers and seeds or the powder of the crushed dry grass. Allowed the use of tansy for worms in the form of infusion, decoction and alcohol tincture of.

A medicinal beverage, not the beverage for a long period of time, as it contains the substance thujone, which in high doses can cause hallucinations, clouding of consciousness, and mental disorders.

The acceptance of the national drugs twice a year, and of course, with a duration of no longer than a week or so. After consumption, it is necessary to only take a laxative drug, which is necessary for cleaning the digestive tract of the killed parasites.

Where to

A perennial tansy is included in the family of Asteraceae. It grows in temperate climate zones. It can be found almost all over the place. The yellow flowers can be found at the forest edge, in a meadow, the steppe, and in the vicinity of water in open Sunny areas. The plant blooms in July–August and the fruits ripen in September. In the self-assembled grass and held to the highest concentration of nutrients.

What is most important is that it is collected in ecologically clean areas, far from roads and industrial areas.

The wild Rowan can be found and purchased at a pharmacy. The price for that varies from 50 to 90 rubles. In addition, the capsules or tablets from dry grass, intended for the destruction and removal of harmful pests out of your body.

How is the output of

If you have harvested the plant yourself, you will need to dry out in the open, avoid direct sunlight, or in a well-ventilated area. Occasionally stir the mixture.

A pressed flower should be stored in paper bags or woven bags.

The anti-parasitic recipes using the wild Rowan collected two years ago. The old the grass is not all the useful features.

The dried flowers can be ground in a coffee grinder for an easy and accurate application. The place where the raw material has to be dry. In accordance with all of the tips on collection and preparation of the tansy its medicinal value remains the same.

Tea, with tansy

Contraindications and side effects

Drink tansy parasites, which is a must with great care, strict adherence to the dosage of the prescriptions. Due to the toxicity of the components to be treated in this way, there should be no more than a week ago. If there is a need to expand, of course, it is better to take a break for a few days, and then continue to do this. Special care should be taken that during the treatment of the people suffering from chronic diseases and old age.

Contra-indications to the use of tansy:

  • the child's age;
  • diseases of the heart and the circulatory system;
  • breast-feeding;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of the neoplasms of unspecified etiology;
  • allergies;
  • kidney failure and liver failure;
  • the aggravation of chronic diseases.
  • affordable by means of;
  • gastric ulcer, and duodenal ulcer.

Side effects include the following:

  • headaches;
  • the disadvantage of;
  • vomiting;
  • the intestinal disturbances;
  • painful sensations in the stomach.

For the treatment and / or a weed by pregnant women and children

The woman in the position of such a way of dealing with the parasites is contraindicated. The installation leads to an inflammatory process in the uterus, and miscarriage. It promotes the contractions of the muscles that cause contractions in a pregnant woman. Toxic tansy has a negative impact on the development and evolution of a fetus. Both Anthelmintics is prohibited on while you carry the baby.

Tansy, before you have to give to the children only in the form of a decoction, whereas the careful observation of a dose of a preparation. The drug should not be used for the treatment of parasites toddlers up to 3 years of age, as this may cause a variety of abnormalities in the small of your body. The herbal infusion, it is recommended to drink a baby 3 times a day, and in the following proportions:

  • from 3 to 7 years of age: 1 tbsp;
  • 7 to 10 years: 50 ml.;
  • between 10 and 14 years of age to 75 ml.;
  • over 14 years of age to 100 ml.
The flowers of tansy

For a cure to the sun. Only a doctor to decide how to put the tansy in a what is the dosage and for how many days.

Favorite recipes

All of the parts of the plant, which are equally useful and are used for therapeutic purposes. Of tansy is prepared: decoction, alcohol tincture, a tea, or in powder form.

From the method of preparation depends directly on the efficiency of anthelmintic remedies.

Tansy net

The elimination of the parasites in this way, it will be necessary to powder of the dried flowers of the herb. It is easy to make, store and eat.

You can do this as follows:

  1. Grind in a mortar or coffee grinder, the main ingredient.
  2. To put it in a special container tightly closed.

Ready means that you need to eat 0.5 of a teaspoon, before meals, twice a day.

The optimal duration of therapy is five (5) days.

It is important that, at the time of the treatment, a powder, tansy was not included in the human respiratory tract, they can cause a variety of diseases. In order to avoid such moments, you can re-pour it into a glass of warm water or mix with honey. In the latter case, a bitter taste in the mouth, it is not pronounced, and the use of plant medicine is much better.

The seeds in the dust

In the opinion of many experts in the field of herbal medicine, the seed powder, the equipment is more efficient than a decoction of the inflorescences. Liquid funds absorbed by the stomach, and in large quantities, and the intestine, which is the home of the chief parasites, the decline in in small amounts. Thus, a positive result can be achieved only during a long-term therapy.

The powder of the seeds of tansy are in the digestive tract, and almost never processed by the stomach, and is the same as it is in the large intestine. The consumption dose for adult is 0.5 teaspoons before meals twice a day. The course of treatment of such a tool is much shorter. It can range from 3 to 5 days, as the effect is achieved at a faster pace.


People from the parasites, ready in 2 tablespoons of inflorescences of tansy, who is charged with one liter of water. In a water-bath the mixture is brought to a boil, then infused for about two hours.

It is ready to anthelmintic drugs should drink warm at 50 ml after meals 3 times a day. Of course, there is one more week.

The patient must be able to maintain the proportion while cooking, herbal tea, and keep to the acceptance of the rules of natural medication. It is a drink at a cool place. The date of the expiry of the time limit of the utility — of the day.

In the preventive purposes it is sufficient to drink the infusion once a week for over a period of months.

Tansy and pumpkin seeds

Tansy and pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds also have potent antiparasitic activity. They contain cucurbitina, which is of non-toxic materials. He has contributed to the loss of almost all of the species have small and large animals, as it has a toxic effect on your muscles, eggs, and larvae. As a result, the parasites will lose their ability to cling on to the intestinal mucosa, actively proliferate, and excreted in the feces.

When used together, the tansy, and the pumpkin seeds of the properties of the components of the complement, which have adverse effects. For a compilation of popular folk remedies will have to be: 10 g of inflorescences, and 70 g of peeled sunflower seeds. The components need to grind into a fine powder.

A mixture of the each and every day, just take 1 tbsp before a meal. The patient to solve their own problems, only three days of treatment.

"Russian triptych"

If you are combining multiple anthelmintic herbs, the effect will come after a couple of days after the application of the assets of the fund. A Russian triptych known for many decades as a powerful herbal remedy against parasites.

Its main components, as follows:

  • the flowers of tansy — 3 g.
  • wormwood — G. 1;
  • cloves — 1.5 g.

The compound does not require heat treatment, the use of, or the beer. It only needs to be divided into 3 parts:

  1. On the first day of the acceptance of the eating of 1 dose 30 min.prior to eating.
  2. On the second day of treatment — 2 doses.
  3. On the third day, the day — 3 dose.

You need to repeat the 3 day treatment before the end of the week. For prevention, take one serving 1 hour per week for 3 months.

For the convenience of the consumer it is allowed to dilute means a small amount of water.

All you have to do a recipe and abide by the rules of admission.

A tincture of tansy

For the preparation of the tincture of tansy will need: 100 ml of vodka (you can use 70% alcohol by volume), and 25 g of inflorescences. The flowers of the to pour the alcohol, and allow to stand for 10 days. The solution is to have a regular mix. The herbal medicine is put in a dark place at room temperature.

Take 30 drops of tincture at a time, and after supper, on the night of 6-7 days. Before buying the product, it can be diluted with a glass of water.

Diseases of the digestive tract tincture in its pure form, it is prohibited to drink, as alcohol irritates the mucous membranes of the body. To prevent the deterioration of health, you should consult with your health care provider.

Chicory, tansy, and yarrow

Chicory, tansy, and yarrow

A decoction of tansy, chicory, and yarrow, too, is faced with helminthiasis. For effective pest control, you first need to properly prepare:

  1. All of the components of the database in the same ratio of 1 tsp to the mix and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. The product for cooking in a water bath on low heat for about 20 minutes.

Cook for a long period of time, that it is impossible for such a long time of the heat treatment promotes the loss of the beneficial properties of the plant. The prepared decoction is taken three times a day, is 100 ml. after a meal for 7 days.

This drink can help you to get rid of dangerous pests and to clean the body of accumulated toxins.